Dan Williams, Hani Jamjoom, Yew-Huey Liu and Hakim Weatherspoon
Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE)
Newport Beach, CA, March 2011
Abstract. With the intense competition between cloud providers,
oversubscription is increasingly important to
maintain profitability. Oversubscribing physical
resources is not without consequences: it increases
the likelihood of overload. Memory overload is
particularly damaging. Contrary to traditional
views, we analyze current data center logs and
realistic Web workloads to show that overload is
largely transient: up to 88.1% of overloads last for
less than 2 minutes. Regarding overload as a
continuum that includes both transient and sustained
overloads of various durations points us to consider
mitigation approaches also as a continuum, complete
with tradeoffs with respect to application
performance and data center overhead. In particular,
heavyweight techniques, like VM migration, are
better suited to sustained overloads, whereas
lightweight approaches, like network memory, are
better suited to transient overloads. We present
Overdriver, a system that adaptively takes advantage
of these tradeoffs, mitigating all overloads within
8% of well-provisioned performance. Furthermore,
under reasonable oversubscription ratios, where
transient overload constitutes the vast majority of
overloads, Overdriver requires 15% of the excess
space and generates a factor of four less network
traffic than a migration-only approach.
author = {Dan and Williams and Hani and Jamjoom and Yew-Huey and Liu and Hakim and Weatherspoon},
title = {{Overdriver: Handling Memory Overload in an Oversubscribed Cloud}},
booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International
Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE)},
address = {Newport Beach, CA},
month = {March},
year = {2011}